Sim's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Sim. Find actors and director of the program Sim

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Sim. Select any member to see details info.

Jean-Pierre Bacri's poster
Jean-Pierre Bacri (François Sim)
Mathieu Amalric's poster
Mathieu Amalric (Samuel)
Valeria Golino's poster
Valeria Golino (Luigia)
Isabelle Gélinas's poster
Isabelle Gélinas (Caroline)
Vimala Pons's poster
Vimala Pons (Poppy)
Vincent Lacoste's poster
Vincent Lacoste (Jacques à 20 ans)
Linh Ðan Ph?m's poster
Linh Ðan Ph?m (Liam)
Félix Moati's poster
Félix Moati (Francis à 20 ans)
Catherine Aymerie's poster
Catherine Aymerie (Poppy's mother)
Sophie Nicollas's poster
Sophie Nicollas (Barbara Sim à 45 ans)