Doomsday Prophecy's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Doomsday Prophecy. Find actors and director of the program Doomsday Prophecy

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Doomsday Prophecy. Select any member to see details info.

Jewel Staite's poster
Jewel Staite (Brooke)
A. J. Buckley's poster
A. J. Buckley (General Slate)
Gordon Tootoosis's poster
Gordon Tootoosis (John)
Matthew Kevin Anderson's poster
Matthew Kevin Anderson (Dennis)
Rick Ravanello's poster
Rick Ravanello (Henning)
Bruce Ramsay's poster
Bruce Ramsay (Garcia)
Hiro Kanagawa's poster
Hiro Kanagawa (Dr. Yates)
David Richmond-Peck's poster
David Richmond-Peck (Dr. Sparks)
Jerry Wasserman's poster
Jerry Wasserman (Sam Lowell)
Paula Lindberg's poster
Paula Lindberg (Female Assistant)
Roseanne Supernault's poster
Roseanne Supernault (Raven)
Alan Dale's poster
Alan Dale (General Slate)
Douglas Chapman's poster
Douglas Chapman (Military Officer)
Lori Triolo's poster
Lori Triolo (Café Owner)
Kate Gajdosik's poster
Kate Gajdosik (News Broadcaster)
Matthew Walker's poster
Matthew Walker (Rupert Crane)
Phillip Mitchell's poster
Phillip Mitchell (Jenkins)