Angry Sher's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Angry Sher. Find actors and director of the program Angry Sher

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Angry Sher. Select any member to see details info.

Anthony Steffen's poster
Anthony Steffen (Joe Logan aka Shenandoah)
Eduardo Fajardo's poster
Eduardo Fajardo (Russell Murdock)
Fulvia Franco's poster
Fulvia Franco (Lulu Belle)
Luciana Gilli's poster
Luciana Gilli (Jane Wilson)
George Rigaud's poster
George Rigaud (Wilson)
Armando Calvo's poster
Armando Calvo (Lupe Rojo)
Arturo Dominici's poster
Arturo Dominici (Jerry Krueger)
Lucio De Santis's poster
Lucio De Santis (Mulligan, Rojo's henchman)
Jesús Tordesillas's poster
Jesús Tordesillas (Sven, old man)
María Vico's poster
María Vico (Elsie)
Frank Braña's poster
Frank Braña (David, Rojo's henchman)
Miguel Del Castillo's poster
Miguel Del Castillo (Sheriff Gallagher)
Tomás Torres's poster
Tomás Torres (Pablo, Rojo's henchman)
Miguel de la Riva's poster
Miguel de la Riva (Damon, Rojo's henchman)