The Flying Swords of Dragon Gate's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program The Flying Swords of Dragon Gate. Find actors and director of the program The Flying Swords of Dragon Gate

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program The Flying Swords of Dragon Gate. Select any member to see details info.

Jet Li's poster
Jet Li (Chow Wai On)
Zhou Xun's poster
Zhou Xun (Jade)
Chen Kun's poster
Chen Kun (Yu Hua Tian)
Kwai Lun-Mei's poster
Kwai Lun-Mei (Tribal Princess)
Li Yu-Chun's poster
Li Yu-Chun (Gu Shaotang)
Fan Siu-Wong's poster
Fan Siu-Wong (Ma Jinliang)
Mavis Fan's poster
Mavis Fan (Su Huirong)
Du Yi-Heng's poster
Du Yi-Heng (Ji Xueyong)
Dillon Wu Di's poster
Dillon Wu Di (Zhao Tong)
Zhang Xinyu's poster
Zhang Xinyu (Imperial consort Wan)
Sheng Jian's poster
Sheng Jian (Tan Luzi)
Gordon Liu Chia-Hui's poster
Gordon Liu Chia-Hui (Eunuch Wan Yulou)
Shuangbao Wang's poster
Shuangbao Wang