The Middle's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program The Middle. Find actors and director of the program The Middle

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program The Middle. Select any member to see details info.

Franck Beyna's poster
Franck Beyna (Digouline)
Aghate Be's poster
Aghate Be (Julie)
Medy Benhassen's poster
Medy Benhassen (Kurt)
Michel Berreur's poster
Michel Berreur (Mafieux)
Erik Blanc's poster
Erik Blanc (Danny)
Imen Bahia Chelli's poster
Imen Bahia Chelli (Noémie)
Laurent Cicolella's poster
Laurent Cicolella (Douly)
Yun Lai's poster
Yun Lai (Kenny)