Thunderheart's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Thunderheart. Find actors and director of the program Thunderheart

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Thunderheart. Select any member to see details info.

Val Kilmer's poster
Val Kilmer (Ray Levoi)
Sam Shepard's poster
Sam Shepard (Frank Coutelle)
Graham Greene's poster
Graham Greene (Walter Crow Horse)
Fred Ward's poster
Fred Ward (Jack Milton)
Fred Dalton Thompson's poster
Fred Dalton Thompson (William Dawes)
Sheila Tousey's poster
Sheila Tousey (Maggie Eagle Bear)
Ted Thin Elk's poster
Ted Thin Elk (Grandpa Sam Reaches)
John Trudell's poster
John Trudell (Jimmy Looks Twice)