Dance of the Dead's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Dance of the Dead. Find actors and director of the program Dance of the Dead

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Dance of the Dead. Select any member to see details info.

Jared Kusnitz's poster
Jared Kusnitz (Jimmy Dunn)
Greyson Chadwick's poster
Greyson Chadwick (Lindsey)
Chandler Darby's poster
Chandler Darby (Steven)
Carissa Capobianco's poster
Carissa Capobianco (Gwen)
Randy McDowell's poster
Randy McDowell (Jules Reiner)
Michael V. Mammoliti's poster
Michael V. Mammoliti (George)
Mark Lynch's poster
Mark Lynch (Rod)
Justin Welborn's poster
Justin Welborn (Kyle Grubbin)
Mark Oliver's poster
Mark Oliver (Coach Keel)
Blair Redford's poster
Blair Redford (Nash Rambler)
Lucas Till's poster
Lucas Till (Jensen)
Hunter Pierce's poster
Hunter Pierce (Dave The Drummer)
Jonathan Spencer's poster
Jonathan Spencer (Frank Hammond)
Stephen Caudill's poster
Stephen Caudill (Principal Castlemoody)
Jeff Adelman's poster
Jeff Adelman (Mitch)
Carrie Keagan's poster
Carrie Keagan (Blonde Zombie)
Jodi Brooks's poster
Jodi Brooks (Coosa High Cheerleader)