Passport's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Passport. Find actors and director of the program Passport

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Passport. Select any member to see details info.

Mary-Kate Olsen's poster
Mary-Kate Olsen (Melanie Porter)
Ashley Olsen's poster
Ashley Olsen (Allyson Porter)
Peter White's poster
Peter White (Grandpa Edward)
Matt Winston's poster
Matt Winston (Jeremy Bluff)
Yvonne Sciò's poster
Yvonne Sciò (Brigitte)
Brocker Way's poster
Brocker Way (Jean)
Ethan Peck's poster
Ethan Peck (Michel)
Francois Giroday's poster
Francois Giroday (Henri)
Jon Menick's poster
Jon Menick (François)
Doran Clark's poster
Doran Clark (Barbara Porter)
Matt McCoy's poster
Matt McCoy (Jack Porter)
Robert Martin Robinson's poster
Robert Martin Robinson (Mssr. De Beauvoir)
Laura Julian's poster
Laura Julian (Madame De Beauvoir)
Logan Robbins's poster
Logan Robbins (Kyle)
Matthew Freund's poster
Matthew Freund (Shane)
Katrina Darrell's poster
Katrina Darrell (Katie)
Michael Immel's poster
Michael Immel (Mr. Harper)