The Darkest Hour's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program The Darkest Hour. Find actors and director of the program The Darkest Hour

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program The Darkest Hour. Select any member to see details info.

Emile Hirsch's poster
Emile Hirsch (Sean)
Rachael Taylor's poster
Rachael Taylor (Anne)
Olivia Thirlby's poster
Olivia Thirlby (Natalie)
Joel Kinnaman's poster
Joel Kinnaman (Skyler)
Max Minghella's poster
Max Minghella (Ben)
Veronika Ozerova's poster
Veronika Ozerova (Vika)
Dato Bakhtadze's poster
Dato Bakhtadze (Sergei)
Yuriy Kutsenko's poster
Yuriy Kutsenko (Matvei)
Nikolay Efremov's poster
Nikolay Efremov (Sasha)
Georgiy Gromov's poster
Georgiy Gromov (Boris)
Artur Smolyaninov's poster
Artur Smolyaninov (Yuri)
Anna Roudakova's poster
Anna Roudakova (Tess)
Pyotr Fyodorov's poster
Pyotr Fyodorov (Anton Batkin)
Ivan Gromov's poster
Ivan Gromov (Bartender No. 1)
Aleksandr Chernykh's poster
Aleksandr Chernykh (Bartender No. 2)