Unstoppable's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Unstoppable. Find actors and director of the program Unstoppable

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Unstoppable. Select any member to see details info.

Denzel Washington's poster
Denzel Washington (Frank Barnes)
Chris Pine's poster
Chris Pine (Will)
Rosario Dawson's poster
Rosario Dawson (Connie)
Ethan Suplee's poster
Ethan Suplee (Dewey)
Kevin Corrigan's poster
Kevin Corrigan (Inspector Werner)
Kevin Chapman's poster
Kevin Chapman (Bunny)
Lew Temple's poster
Lew Temple (Ned)
T.J. Miller's poster
T.J. Miller (Gilleece)
Jessy Schram's poster
Jessy Schram (Darcy)
David Warshofsky's poster
David Warshofsky (Judd Stewart)
Andy Umberger's poster
Andy Umberger (Janeway)
Elizabeth Mathis's poster
Elizabeth Mathis (Nicole)
Meagan Tandy's poster
Meagan Tandy (Maya)
Dylan Bruce's poster
Dylan Bruce (Michael Colson)
Jeff Hochendoner's poster
Jeff Hochendoner (Clark)
Ryan Ahern's poster
Ryan Ahern (Ryan Scott)
Christopher Lee Philips's poster
Christopher Lee Philips (Baker)
Kevin McClatchy's poster
Kevin McClatchy (Hoffman)
Toni Saladna's poster
Toni Saladna (Galvin's Assistant)
Patrick McDade's poster
Patrick McDade (Captain Allen)