Suraj's Filmography on Tv

Find list of movies directed by Suraj on tv. Select any movie link to find details about the movie. Movies are sorted in decreasing order of release date i.e. movie with latest release date is shown first.

Meri Taqat Mera Faisla (2009)

Radhakrishnan (Dhanush) alias Rocky is a 10th grade dropout youngster who is looked down upon by his father (Pratap Pothen), because of his sharp contrast to the rest of the family, who are well qualified in education. Rocky spends most of his time in a mechanic shop with his colleagues (Mayilsami, Nellai Siva and others). Rocky's friends advise him to love and marry a well educated girl so that his name will be added with her name after marriage ie, indirectly he gets a degree after his name.