Rakshit Shetty Poster

Rakshit Shetty is a new generation Kannada film actor who rose to fame with the 2013 hit Kannada movie 'Simple Agi Ondh Love Story' where he played the role of the lead male character. He is now turning into direction with an upcoming Kannada movie titled 'Ulidavaru Kandanthe' where he also plays an important role. The actor is from Udupi, Karnataka and is known for his unique and fresh style of delivering dialogues which appeals to the crowd. He is an Electronics and Communication Engineering
Gender: Female
Last Info Sync: 7/27/2018 4:40:00 PM

Rakshit Shetty's Filmography on Tv

Find list of movies directed by Rakshit Shetty on tv. Select any movie link to find details about the movie. Movies are sorted in decreasing order of release date i.e. movie with latest release date is shown first.