Liu Chia-Liang Poster

Liu Chia-Liang was a Hong Kong-based martial arts stuntman, actor, filmmaker and choreographer.
Gender: Male
Born On: 1-Aug-1936
Last Info Sync: 7/22/2018 12:53:00 PM

Liu Chia-Liang's Filmography on Tv

Find list of movies directed by Liu Chia-Liang on tv. Select any movie link to find details about the movie. Movies are sorted in decreasing order of release date i.e. movie with latest release date is shown first.

Pen camera (1980)

The workers of a dye factory have their pay cut by 20% when the factory owner brings in some Manchu thugs to try and increase production. Desperate to reclaim their full wages, the workers hire an actor to impersonate a priest and kung-fu expert from the temple of Shaolin. The factory owner proves the actor a fraud, and punishes all those involved. The young actor feels he has let the workers down, and promises to atone. He sets out for Shaolin, determined to be accepted as a kung-fu pupil at th