Nat Geo Wild | Infotainment Shows (Page: 3)

Find what are unique Infotainment programs scheduled to show in Nat Geo Wild channel by start time. Note: In this view duplicate programs are not shown.
Shows are listed in increasing order of upcoming show time for channel Nat Geo Wild.

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Mon, 5:00 PM 20 May

Wicked Tuna

The most skilled fishermen test themselves in the freezing waters of the North Atlantic to find the rare bluefin tuna fish.

Mon, 8:00 PM 20 May

Africa's Deadliest (2011)

Africa is a land sculpted by time where animals have evolved complex weapons to arm them in the battle to live another day. An elephant's tusks can defend, or attack. An octopus uses camouflage to find food, or hide from an enemy. A Cape Fur Seal's speed and agility are valuable tools to catch a penguin, but ineffectual against a Great White Shark. A single hippopotamus holds a pride of twelve lions at bay with his sheer bulk, but backs down when faced with the piercing teeth of another hippo. W

Mon, 9:00 PM 20 May

Africa's Deadly Kingdom

The dense population of the animal kingdom in African deserts despite their inability to sustain resources essential to life reveal the most fascinating things about such landscapes.

Mon, 10:00 PM 20 May

Monsters Of The Deep

A closer look at the strange, alien-like creatures that have hidden in the depths of the oceans for centuries - the cephalopod family, including octopus, squids and cuttlefish. Also in HD

Mon, 11:00 PM 20 May

Alaska: The Next Generation

Declaration Of Independence: The next generation of Alaskans must learn to survive by their own rules in harsh climates. Not recommended for children under 12. (S1, ep 1)

Tue, 10:00 AM 21 May

Realm Of The Coconut Crab

Thievery and treachery are second nature for the robber crabs that rule over Christmas Island. However, these brash crustaceans are facing big trouble in paradise.

Tue, 8:00 PM 21 May

New: Secrets Of The Zoo: Tampa

All Iguaga Do: It's a waiting game for the Tampa team as they anxiously await the birth of a rare Indian rhino baby. After 16 long months, the calf is almost here! All ages. (S2, ep 1) Also in HD

Tue, 9:00 PM 21 May


African Queens: The filmmaker explores the females of the natural world and the resilience and sacrifice they make to protect their families.

Tue, 10:00 PM 21 May

Something Bit Me

This Is Not a Deer!: A sudden strike leads to a race against death, and a personal trainer becomes the victim of an apex predator. 12+. (S1, ep 1) Also in HD

Wed, 10:00 AM 22 May

Shark Queens

From the great white sharks of South Africa to the tiger sharks in the Maldives, a team of scientists seek to uncover whether dominance is a masculine or feminine trait below the waves. U

Wed, 2:00 PM 22 May

Komodo Dragons

Documentary exploring the ferocious world of Komodo dragons. A male and female engage in an eventful courtship while a youngster faces up to a vicious rival. Also in HD

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