Singapore World Television Premieres

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Sat, 3:00 PM 27 Jul / Channel 5

Sat, 3:15 PM 27 Jul / Channel 5

Olympic Games Paris 2024: Daily Action at Paris 2024

Olympic Games Paris 2024: Daily Action at Paris 2024

Sat, 7:00 PM 27 Jul / Vasantham (HD)

Islands That Made Us

Singaporeans don't often think of themselves as islanders. But the outlying islands are rich in cultural and social history. This feature gives us access to some of Singapore's most unique islands.

Sat, 7:30 PM 27 Jul / Pesona HD

Jodoh Gak Seprofesi I'm Not Father

It tells the story of a beautiful girl who loves dangdut music and enjoys creating live content, her name is Lena. On the other hand, there is a handsome meatball seller who enjoys K-Pop dance named Juna. It is told that when Juna and Lena do live broadcasts together, they end up arguing because they feel disturbed by each other. They both don't care, even though some suggest they collaborate. However, in the end, they really start working together on content to increase their followers and p...

Sat, 7:31 PM 27 Jul / CCTV Entertainment

Sat, 9:02 PM 27 Jul / CNA

Sat, 9:21 PM 27 Jul / CCTV Entertainment

Sat, 10:30 PM 27 Jul / Channel 8


(PG) 2008年8月15日,北京奥运会女排比赛,中国VS美国。戴着金丝框眼镜的郎平(巩俐饰)坐在美国队教练席上,大气沉稳,目光如电;中国队教练(黄渤饰)站在场边,全神贯注,面带笑容。中国队教练望向郎平,目光充满深意,不断经过的人影遮蔽了他的视线,中国女排三十余年的沉浮图景被缓缓打开…

Sun, 4:20 AM 28 Jul / Channel 8


(PG) 文欣(白薇秀)小时候有严重的阅读障碍,长大后当上社工,决心帮助不幸的孩童也能健康成长。在工作中,接触到四个不幸患有先天缺陷的孩子,感同身受的她亲眼看到孩子的父母内心的矛盾和不当的照顾方法而耽误了孩子的前途。然而,要让这四个家庭能够从迷失中寻到正路,开展幸福快乐的新生活绝非易事,文欣得披荆斩棘,迎战一个个的障碍。正当文欣为他们的未来心力交瘁之际,自己的恋情却亮起红灯,本来曾经患有阅读障碍的秘密,却成为情敌横刀夺爱的利器。在陷入爱情和事业困境而想放弃一切的时候,男友和一群她曾经帮助过的孩子却出现在她

Sun, 12:30 PM 28 Jul / Channel 5

Slugterra: Eastern Caverns

The time has come for Eli and the Shane Gang to accompany their new friend Junjie home to the strange and beautiful Eastern Caverns. But when they arrive, they are shocked to find a world darker and more dangerous than Junjie remembers!

Sun, 3:00 PM 28 Jul / e-Le (HD)

The Sparrow


Sun, 4:00 PM 28 Jul / ABC Australia

Pacific Break Live From Fiji: 2024 Launch

Pacific Break returns in 2024 with a special sunset concert on Fiji's Wailoaloa Beach. Get ready to rock it out as past winners take centre stage for incredible performances, hosted by Johnson Raela and Sose Fuamoli.