e-Le (HD) | Chinese Entertainment Shows (Page: 2)

Find what are unique Chinese Entertainment programs scheduled to show in e-Le (HD) channel by start time. Note: In this view duplicate programs are not shown.
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Sat, 10:00 PM 29 Jun

My Boss (2003)

When a young man agrees to housesit for his boss, he thinks it'll be the perfect opportunity to get close to the woman he desperately has a crush on – his boss's daughter. But he doesn't plan on the long line of other houseguests that try to keep him from his mission. And he also has to deal with the daughter's older brother, who's on the run from local drug dealers.

Sun, 12:00 AM 30 Jun

Love Me, Love My Voice


Sun, 10:45 AM 30 Jun

Dark Hole

惊悚悬疑原创电视剧《黑洞》描述深层槽洞内冒出了黑色的气体,吸入黑色气体的变种人当中,有多少人能够幸存下来?首尔地方警察队女警李华善接到了杀人魔的电话,她唯一的家人,也就是她的先生被杀害,而在她前往无智市的途中却目睹了吸入黑烟而正在产生变化的人类,内心极度恐惧的她依旧为了先生而对杀人魔穷追不舍。在武知市土生土长的货车司机柳泰汉,平时看起来很会开玩笑的性格,但实际上却比任何人都具有强烈的正义感。虽然因为误会卷入不光彩的事情而脱去了警察制服,但无论什么时候他都对于当警察的时光感到自豪。泰汉偶然间与华善相遇,积极地帮助她一起救助陷入危险的人们。 Lee Hwa-Sun is a detective with the police force. She receives a phone call from murderer who has killed her husband and rushes out to Muji City. There, people are inhaling in a mysterious dark smoke and turning into monst...

Sun, 3:00 PM 30 Jun

Invisible Target (2007)

Three cops team up to bring down a criminal gang of seven, who have their own hidden agenda.

Sun, 7:00 PM 30 Jun

Life Is Boiling Season One


Sun, 8:00 PM 30 Jun

The Treasured Voice 5


Mon, 12:15 AM 1 Jul



Mon, 6:00 AM 1 Jul

Turn On The Right Way Of Life (2023)

Turning 40 should be a year when everything is falling into place; however, 42-year-old Bian Liang is completely at a loss. As a father, who actively seeks breakthroughs, he encounters hurdles in his quiet and indifferent son and has reached a bottleneck in his career.

Mon, 8:00 AM 1 Jul

Enemies from the Past (2017)

Go Ya supports her family by doing part-time work. Her father had an affair and left home 10 years ago. She is now looking for a regular full-time job. Ji Seok is a lawyer who specializes in divorces. He is skeptical about marriage, but after he meets Go Ya and gets close to her, they face a difficult situation.

Mon, 2:00 PM 1 Jul

Street Dance of China 5

《这!就是街舞》再次强势回归,第五季节目迎来了常驻舞蹈导师的全新组合,包括王一博、韩庚、李承铉、刘雨昕,都是非常优秀的舞者以及队长。在全新一季《这!就是街舞》中,将会有哪些街舞大神为大家带来热血炸裂的舞台?内容上不断带来惊喜外,让我们共同期待街舞引燃这个夏天! “Street Dance of China” is a popular, youthful and upbeat variety series that features four celebrity dance mentors — heartthrob Wang Yi Bo of Korean-Chinese boyband UNIQ, veteran artiste Han Geng from renown Super Junior, Korean singer-dancer Nathan Lee who is highly popular in China, and first female dance mentor Xin Liu from Chinese girl group The9. They sel...

Tue, 2:00 PM 2 Jul

Dream Home Season 9

《梦想改造家》是一档家装改造节目,每一期家庭分别代表、折射一部分人群。具体的家庭故事围绕主人公背景、居住烦恼和对梦想中家的憧憬展开。节目突破性地改变传统装修类节目以美化外观为主旨的节目样式,聚焦与住房难题息息相关的家庭故事和人物命运,通过颠覆性空间布局重置,细致入微的人性化设计,把人文情怀贯穿其中。 Renovation lifestyle variety series “Dream Home” is into its ninth season in China! The title looks at housing makeover and spaces re-design for Chinese families, and life-transforming experiences, as these families get a new lease of life after having their new homes.

Wed, 2:00 PM 3 Jul

Heart Signal 5

《心动的信号》延续以往的都市男女恋爱社交推理真人秀节目的模式,节目以“信号小屋”中素人单身男女日常相处的生活细节和情感走向为主体,每期心动侦探团来反观和解读8位素人之间的情感交流和心动信号,并进行心动连线。 Reality dating show “Heart Signal” returns with a fifth season this year. The series sees 8 single men and women live together for a period of time to find a possible love match with someone under the same roof. Celebrity artistes form the panel of love detectives who will observe from the sides. At the end of each episode, the panel makes a prediction on which couple will likely make a ...

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