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Upcoming Schedule of How Do They Do It? program

Showing top 12 upcoming show times. Show times are sorted in increasing order of start time.

  1. Fri 12:00 PM, 3 May 2024 on QUEST HD channel
    How do they make the world's most famous hat, and does it really hold ten gallons? Plus, how do they repair cables on the sea floor and feed 100,000 aeroplane passengers a day?
  2. Fri 12:30 PM, 3 May 2024 on QUEST HD channel
    How do they stop planes from icing up; how is clay used to keep glossy magazines looking sharp; and how do they build an electric car that can reach 200kmph?
  3. Fri 11:00 PM, 3 May 2024 on QUEST HD channel
    How do they harvest and treat the world's most expensive tea? Plus, how does the Siekierki power plant of Warsaw, Poland heat half the city's homes?
  4. Fri 11:30 PM, 3 May 2024 on QUEST HD channel
    How do they engineer the latest incarnation of the classic Royal Enfield Continental GT motorbike? Plus, how do 'art detectives' spot a forgery?
  5. Tue 6:00 AM, 7 May 2024 on QUEST HD channel
    How do they collect millions of real birds' nests to make birds' nest soup? Plus, how do they use aerospace technology to make rowers go faster?
  6. Tue 12:00 PM, 7 May 2024 on QUEST HD channel
    How do they provide services in one of the world's largest casino hotels, cut through metal with a beam of light, and build a golf course in the desert?
  7. Tue 12:30 PM, 7 May 2024 on QUEST HD channel
    How do they drill through a kilometre of solid rock to find the hidden riches in the desert, pick 20,000 oranges a minute for juice, and get glass to curve without cracking?
  8. Tue 11:00 PM, 7 May 2024 on QUEST HD channel
    How do they make the king of cheeses, Parmesan? How do they keep the runways running at the world's busiest airports? How do they manufacture relaxing reclining chairs?
  9. Tue 11:30 PM, 7 May 2024 on QUEST HD channel
    How do they weave a Turkish carpet? How do they use helicopter blade technology for cross country skis, and control the water at Niagara Falls?
  10. Wed 6:00 AM, 8 May 2024 on QUEST HD channel
    How do they quadruple the power of the world's biggest engines with the most powerful turbochargers? How do they build new roads from old waste plastic?
  11. Wed 12:00 PM, 8 May 2024 on QUEST HD channel
    How do they service the A380, the world's largest plane? Plus, how do they generate 500,000 kWh from 1oz of uranium, and build and tune a piano to concert standard?
  12. Wed 12:30 PM, 8 May 2024 on QUEST HD channel
    How do they turn an old warship into a playground for scuba divers, plan to stop San Francisco collapsing when the next earthquake strikes, and run a car on rocket fuel?

Past Schedule of How Do They Do It? program

Showing top 4 upcoming show times. Show times are sorted in increasing order of start time.

  1. Fri 6:00 AM, 3 May 2024 on QUEST HD channel
    How do they build a tractor every three minutes to power Indian agriculture? How do they cast the bronze bells that help Swiss farmers keep track of their cows?
  2. Thu 12:30 PM, 2 May 2024 on QUEST HD channel
    How do they turn the trash from the world's biggest St Patrick's Day parade into power, transform a luxury limo into a racing car and craft the ultimate supersteel sword?
  3. Thu 12:00 PM, 2 May 2024 on QUEST HD channel
    How do pilots perform jaw-dropping aerobatic stunts at supersonic speeds without crashing? How can a ski slope in the desert be kept cool? And how is sushi made?
  4. Thu 6:00 AM, 2 May 2024 on QUEST HD channel
    How do they turn English willow into cricket bats for India's finest cricketers? And, how do they construct the foundations for tall buildings?