L'uomo di casa's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program L'uomo di casa. Find actors and director of the program L'uomo di casa

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program L'uomo di casa. Select any member to see details info.

Farrah Fawcett's poster
Farrah Fawcett (Sandy Archer)
Chevy Chase's poster
Chevy Chase (Jack Sturgess (Squatting Dog))
Jonathan Taylor Thomas's poster
Jonathan Taylor Thomas (Ben Archer (Little Wing))
George Wendt's poster
George Wendt (Chet Bronski (Chief Running Horse))
David Shiner's poster
David Shiner (Lloyd Small (Silent Thunder))
Art LaFleur's poster
Art LaFleur (Red Sweeney (Silver Fox))
Richard Portnow's poster
Richard Portnow (Joey Renda, Frank's Son)
Richard Foronjy's poster
Richard Foronjy (Murray, Renda Goon)
Peter Appel's poster
Peter Appel (Tony, Renda Goon)
Chief Leonard George's poster
Chief Leonard George (Leonard Red Crow)
George Greif's poster
George Greif (Frank James Renda)
Ron Canada's poster
Ron Canada (Bob Younger, Jack's Boss)
Zachary Browne's poster
Zachary Browne (Norman Bronski)
Christopher Miranda's poster
Christopher Miranda (Hank Sweeney)
Spencer Vrooman's poster
Spencer Vrooman (Darryl Small)
Nicholas Garrett's poster
Nicholas Garrett (Monroe Hill)
Jimmy Baker's poster
Jimmy Baker (Young Ben)
Shane Meier's poster
Shane Meier (Big kid at school)