Un'estate tra le montagne bavaresi's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Un'estate tra le montagne bavaresi. Find actors and director of the program Un'estate tra le montagne bavaresi

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Un'estate tra le montagne bavaresi. Select any member to see details info.

Jennifer Ulrich's poster
Jennifer Ulrich (Barbara)
Herbert Knaup's poster
Herbert Knaup (Hans)
Philipp Hochmair's poster
Philipp Hochmair (Pirmin)
Michaela May's poster
Michaela May (Irene)
Johannes Zirner's poster
Johannes Zirner
Niklas Nißl's poster
Niklas Nißl
Teresa Rizos's poster
Teresa Rizos
Michael Kranz's poster
Michael Kranz
Bettina Lohmeyer's poster
Bettina Lohmeyer
Maximilian Schafroth's poster
Maximilian Schafroth