Mrs. Santa Claus's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Mrs. Santa Claus. Find actors and director of the program Mrs. Santa Claus

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Mrs. Santa Claus. Select any member to see details info.

Angela Lansbury's poster
Angela Lansbury (Mrs. Santa Claus)
Michael Jeter's poster
Michael Jeter (Arvo)
Lynsey Bartilson's poster
Lynsey Bartilson (Nora Kilkenny)
Bryan Murray's poster
Bryan Murray (Officer Doyle)
Terrence Mann's poster
Terrence Mann (Augustus P.Tavish)
Debra Wiseman's poster
Debra Wiseman (Sadie Lowenstein)
Charles Durning's poster
Charles Durning (Santa Claus)