Love on a Diet's cast and crew

Find full cast and crew information for the program Love on a Diet. Find actors and director of the program Love on a Diet

Full Cast

List of all cast members for program Love on a Diet. Select any member to see details info.

Andy Lau's poster
Andy Lau (Fatso)
Sammi Cheng's poster
Sammi Cheng (Mini Mo)
Wong Tin-Lam's poster
Wong Tin-Lam (Fatso's fat friend)
Lam Suet's poster
Lam Suet (Bun Man)
Rikiya Kurokawa's poster
Rikiya Kurokawa (Kurokawa)
Asuka Higuchi's poster
Asuka Higuchi (Kudo)
Keiji Sato's poster
Keiji Sato (Fatso's boxing customer)
Wong Mei-Fan's poster
Wong Mei-Fan (Radio DJ)
Po Ming-Nam's poster
Po Ming-Nam (Cocain Ken)
Ryuji Yamamoto's poster
Ryuji Yamamoto