20 MEDIASET | English Film Shows (Page: 2)

Find what are unique English Film programs scheduled to show in 20 MEDIASET channel by start time. Note: In this view duplicate programs are not shown.
Shows are listed in increasing order of upcoming show time for channel 20 MEDIASET.

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Mon, 10:28 AM 3 Jun

The Flash S5 (2014)

After a particle accelerator causes a freak storm, CSI Investigator Barry Allen is struck by lightning and falls into a coma. Months later he awakens with the power of super speed, granting him the ability to move through Central City like an unseen guardian angel. Though initially excited by his newfound powers, Barry is shocked to discover he is not the only "meta-human" who was created in the wake of the accelerator explosion -- and not everyone is using their new powers for good. Barry partn

Mon, 12:11 PM 3 Jun

Chicago Fire S5

S5 Ep1 Realta' e fantasia - Boden nega a Jimmy di tornare sul camion. Questi allora, presenta un rapporto in cui sottolinea le responsabilita' del capo riguardo la morte del fratello.

Mon, 7:32 PM 3 Jun

AMICHEVOLI CALCIO - Stag. 1 Ep. 3 - Inghilterra - bosnia

Amichevole internazionali 2024 - In diretta dallo Stadio St. James' Park di Newcastle, l'Inghilterra sfida la Bosnia nell'Amichevole Internazionali 2024.

Mon, 11:49 PM 3 Jun

Tue, 4:49 AM 4 Jun

In Time (2011)

In the not-too-distant future the aging gene has been switched off. To avoid overpopulation, time has become the currency and the way people pay for luxuries and necessities. The rich can live forever, while the rest try to negotiate for their immortality. A poor young man who comes into a fortune of time, though too late to help his mother from dying. He ends up on the run from a corrupt police force known as 'time keepers'.

Tue, 10:28 AM 4 Jun

The Flash S6

S6 Ep1 Nel vuoto - Ne' Barry ne' Iris riescono a superare il trauma per la perdita di Nora. Nel frattempo a Central City ce' un buco nero che sta terrorizzando i cittadini.

Tue, 7:59 PM 4 Jun

Oldboy (2013)

An everyday man has only three and a half days and limited resources to discover why he was imprisoned in a nondescript room for 20 years without any explanation.

Wed, 2:18 AM 5 Jun

A.P. Bio S2

In the hectic 30 minutes that start every day at Whitlock, Jack tries to retrieve his massage chair from Whitlock's intriguing payroll accountant, Lynette. Durbin and Helen prepare for the morning announcements.

Wed, 7:59 PM 5 Jun

Rapimento e riscatto (2000)

Alice hires a professional negotiator to obtain the release of her engineer husband, who has been kidnapped by anti-government guerrillas in South America.

Thu, 7:59 PM 6 Jun

La furia dei titani (2012)

Perseus tries to live a quieter life as a village fisherman while - dangerously weakened by humanity's lack of devotion - the gods are losing control of the long-imprisoned Titans and their ferocious leader, Kronos.

Fri, 6:24 AM 7 Jun

Walker S1

S1 Ep1 Un vuoto da colmare - Dopo la morte della moglie Emily, uccisa in circostanze poco chiare, Walker torna a casa e tenta di rimettere in piedi il rapporto con i figli August e Stella.

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