Surya TV | Malayalam Entertainment Shows (Page: 2)

Find what are unique Malayalam Entertainment programs scheduled to show in Surya TV channel by start time. Note: In this view duplicate programs are not shown.
Shows are listed in increasing order of upcoming show time for channel Surya TV.

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Thu, 3:00 PM 9 May

Theevandi (2018)

Theevandi is a political satire depicted through light humor where the protagonist Bineesh hardly knows a thing even about himself.

Fri, 8:00 AM 10 May

Sathyam Paranja Viswasikkuvo (2019)

Geetha, Suni's wife, bears the brunt of his negligent lifestyle and often quarrels with him over it. After witnessing a gruesome accident, Suni and his friends find their lives taking some really unexpected turns.

Fri, 3:00 PM 10 May

Husbands in Goa (2012)

The film follows the journey of three young men, who flee from their wives, for a vacation to the international tourist-destination Goa. During the trip, they become friends with an immature youthful older man, who is on the verge of a divorce. The film explores their time in Goa

Sat, 6:00 AM 11 May

Celluloid (2013)

A biopic based on the life story of J.C. Daniel, the pioneer of Malayalam cinema. It is a detailed account on Daniel's life, making of his film Vigathakumaran and the tragic story of Vigathakumaran's heroine P. K. Rosie. The film is particularly based on the novel Nashta Naayika by Vinu Abraham (which details the story of Rosie) and the biography of J. C. Daniel by Chelangatt Gopalakrishnan.

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