Channel 8 Live Schedule (Singapore)!!

Last updated: Jun 26, 2024 12:00 PM (Singapore Standard Time)

Channel 8 (Singapore) channel Live Schedule

Find what's now showing on Channel 8 channel and what are Chinese Entertainment programs scheduled to go live next.

Channel 8 is a Singaporean free-to-air television channel, airing in Mandarin Chinese

Language: Mandarin
Content Type: Chinese Entertainment

Now Showing

甘味人生 (2022)

In his past life, he was known as Demon Lord Varvatos, an all-powerful magic user and ruler. But he was lonely after the loss of his friends and loved ones during his rise to power, so in his dying moments, Varvatos cast a reincarnation spell so that he'd get a second chance at just being a normal guy. At first it looks like that's going to work – he's reborn thousands of years later as villager Ard. Unfortunately for him, his memories are still intact and he's not aware just how much has been l

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