M. Rajesh's Filmography on Tv

Find list of movies directed by M. Rajesh on tv. Select any movie link to find details about the movie. Movies are sorted in decreasing order of release date i.e. movie with latest release date is shown first.

Boss Engira Baskaran (2010)

Bhaskaran is a happy-go-lucky guy, who is yet to complete his B.A. degree, writing arrear examinations annually for years. His only friend is Nallathambi who owns a barber saloon, which he received as a dowry for marrying a two-month pregnant woman. He lives with his mother, Sivakami, brother Saravanan who is a successful veterinarian and sister, Nithya. When his brother marries Nandhini, he gets to meet Nandhini's younger sister Chandrika and wishes to marry her. When he approaches his family f