Peter Adair was a gay filmmaker and artist, best known for his pioneering gay and lesbian documentary Word Is Out: Stories of Some of Our Lives. He won many awards, including the Columbia-Dupont Citation for Broadcast Excellence, Golden Gate Award, EMMY, James D. Phelan Award, Distinguished Documentary Achievement, Blue Ribbon, Red Ribbon, American Film Festival and the Prix l'Age d'Or.[
Gender: Male
Born On: 25-Nov-1943
Last Info Sync: 9/23/2024 11:20:00 AM

Peter Adair's Filmography on TV

List of programs starring Peter Adair on tv. Programs are sorted in order of last seen on tv. Last updated: Sep 28, 2024 10:25 PM

The Satanic Rites of Dracula (1973)

The police and British security forces call in Professor Van Helsing to help them investigate Satanic ritual which has been occurring in a large country house, and which has been attended by a government minister, an eminent scientist and secret service chief. The owner of the house is a mysterious property tycoon who is found to be behind a sinister plot involving a deadly plague. It is in fact Dracula who, sick of his interminable existence, has decided that he must end it all in the only poss

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