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Upcoming Schedule of New: Lingo program

Showing top 3 upcoming show times. Show times are sorted in increasing order of start time.

  1. Mon 3:00 PM, 30 Sep 2024 on ITV channel
    Going for glory this time are South London brothers Kevin and Ian, Bailey and his auntie Jo from Kettering, and siblings Kevin and Karen from Cumbria and Barnsley.
  2. Tue 3:00 PM, 1 Oct 2024 on ITV channel
    Seeking success this time are pals Jack and Isaac from Colwyn Bay, Lisanne and mum Carole from Lancashire, and mates Bryony and Alison from Peterborough and Chester.
  3. Wed 3:00 PM, 2 Oct 2024 on ITV channel
    Looking to Lingo all the way this time are civil partners David and Matthew from Cardiff, mates Claire and Kayleigh from Glasgow, and twins Saifo and Kakul from Hounslow.